Real Estate

Real estate is one of the most important assets for any natural or legal person. Purchasing, selling, renting or managing a property requires specialized legal knowledge and experience in order to avoid problems and ensure the transaction is completed successfully.

With profound and broad knowledge of the Greek real estate law and related law branches, such as tax, urban planning, zoning and commercial law, the Tsalikidis law office provides comprehensive legal services in all transactions and operations concerning real estate to ensure safety and success.

In particular, as part of our real estate services, we provide:

In addition, we provide advice and support on matters relating to:

  • Inheritances (publication of will, acceptance/ renunciation of inheritance, certificate of inheritance, intestate succession, minor heirs, reserved share, bank deposits).
  • Leases (commercial/ professional/ urban lease, franchise stores, drawing up a lease, eviction, rent due, and lease termination).
  • Encumbrances (notice of mortgage, cancellation/elimination of notice of mortgage/mortgage, in rem and declaratory actions, land registry actions, foreclosures, auctions)
  • Real estate transfers (title check, preliminary agreement, land registry corrections, sales, parental benefits, donations, contract transcription).

Our law office combines experience and expertise with dedication and consistency. For more information and a first free update, contact us at 030 2291040217 or fill out the form.

Let Us Help You !

If you are interested in learning more about our services, please contact us.

Call Us: (+30) 2291040217
Call Us: (+30) 6944544186